square enix final fantasy xiv stormblood the art of the revolution eastern memories

Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - The Art Of The Revolution - Western Memories
Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - The Art Of The Revolution - Western Memories


RUR 1978

Showcasing the stunning artwork of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, this new edition of the official art book offers hundreds of full-color illustrations in a collectors' quality volume, along with an exclusive bonus item code. Book one of a two-book set. (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.) Experience the rich world of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood once more via this exhaustive collection of concept art and illustrations, including character designs, field areas, dungeons, monsters, equipment, and more. The Art of the Revolution -Western Memories- also features commentary from the art team on how costumes are created. Book one of a two-book set with The Art of the Revolution -Eastern Memories- Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Wind-up Yotsuyu minion! The fourth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - The Art Of The Revolution - Western Memories
Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - The Art Of The Revolution - Western Memories


RUR 1978

Showcasing the stunning artwork of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, this new edition of the official art book offers hundreds of full-color illustrations in a collectors' quality volume, along with an exclusive bonus item code. Book one of a two-book set. (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.) Experience the rich world of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood once more via this exhaustive collection of concept art and illustrations, including character designs, field areas, dungeons, monsters, equipment, and more. The Art of the Revolution -Western Memories- also features commentary from the art team on how costumes are created. Book one of a two-book set with The Art of the Revolution -Eastern Memories- Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Wind-up Yotsuyu minion! The fourth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. The Art Of The Revolution. Eastern Memories
Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. The Art Of The Revolution. Eastern Memories


RUR 2865

The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. This new edition features hundreds of pages of full-color art, a sticker sheet, and an exclusive bonus item code! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.) Return to Eorzea with the Warrior of Light via this exhaustive collection of almost one thousand pieces of concept art and illustrations, including character designs, field areas, dungeons, monsters, equipment, and more. Covering content through the end of the Stormblood expansion, The Art of the Revolution -Eastern Memories- also features messages from the art team, along with a job stone and minion sticker sheet. Book two of a two-book set with The Art of the Revolution -Western Memories-. Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Dress-Up Tataru minion! The fifth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. The Art Of The Revolution. Eastern Memories
Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. The Art Of The Revolution. Eastern Memories


RUR 2865

The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. This new edition features hundreds of pages of full-color art, a sticker sheet, and an exclusive bonus item code! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.) Return to Eorzea with the Warrior of Light via this exhaustive collection of almost one thousand pieces of concept art and illustrations, including character designs, field areas, dungeons, monsters, equipment, and more. Covering content through the end of the Stormblood expansion, The Art of the Revolution -Eastern Memories- also features messages from the art team, along with a job stone and minion sticker sheet. Book two of a two-book set with The Art of the Revolution -Western Memories-. Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Dress-Up Tataru minion! The fifth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Книга Final Fantasy Xiv: Stormblood — The Art Of The Revolution – Eastern Memories-
Книга Final Fantasy Xiv: Stormblood — The Art Of The Revolution – Eastern Memories-


RUR 5638

Товары хобби и творчества. Закажите из-за рубежа по низким ценам через CDEK.Shopping.

Final Fantasy XIV. Shadowbringers. The Art of Reflection. Histories Forsaken
Final Fantasy XIV. Shadowbringers. The Art of Reflection. Histories Forsaken


RUR 3230

A gorgeous, oversized, full-color art book showcasing the artwork from the massively popular online video game Final Fantasy XIV. Volume one of a two-volume set with The Art of Reflection -Histories Unwritten-.(NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.) Delve into the breathtaking world of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers in this deluxe volume featuring hundreds of beautiful illustrations of characters, environments, equipment, and more. Offering concept art, reference images, and messages from the artists, this book is a must-have not only for fans of the game but for any who appreciate top-tier game art. Includes an exclusive bonus code redeemable for a Wind-up Dulia-Chai minion! The sixth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Final Fantasy XIV. Shadowbringers. The Art of Reflection. Histories Forsaken
Final Fantasy XIV. Shadowbringers. The Art of Reflection. Histories Forsaken


RUR 3230

A gorgeous, oversized, full-color art book showcasing the artwork from the massively popular online video game Final Fantasy XIV. Volume one of a two-volume set with The Art of Reflection -Histories Unwritten-.(NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.) Delve into the breathtaking world of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers in this deluxe volume featuring hundreds of beautiful illustrations of characters, environments, equipment, and more. Offering concept art, reference images, and messages from the artists, this book is a must-have not only for fans of the game but for any who appreciate top-tier game art. Includes an exclusive bonus code redeemable for a Wind-up Dulia-Chai minion! The sixth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass DLC (Steam; Windows, PC; Регион активации РФ, СНГ)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass DLC (Steam; Windows, PC; Регион активации РФ, СНГ)

Модель: Eidos-Montréal, Crystal Dynamics, Nixxes software

RUR 1340

В «Shadow of the Tomb Raider – сезонный абонемент» входят следующие материалы: 7 испытаний в гробницах; 7 костюмов, единиц оружия и навыков; множество побочных сюжетных заданий; в вышеперечисленном часть объектов эксклюзивна для сезонного абонемента. SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER © 2018 Square Enix Ltd. All rights reserved. SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER and TOMB RAIDER are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Ltd. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

World of Final Fantasy (Steam; PC; Регион активации Россия и СНГ)
World of Final Fantasy (Steam; PC; Регион активации Россия и СНГ)

Модель: Square Enix

RUR 2073

Эпическая серия Final Fantasy насчитывает множество как номерных, так и сайд проектов, связанных общей вселенной. Square Enix готовы бесконечно радовать фанатов новыми ветками, способностями, игровыми механиками и ключевыми сюжетными поворотами. От больших до малых проекты этой франшизы завоёвывают сердца игроков и рассказывают незабываемые истории.World of Final Fantasy — классическая JRPG в сеттинге полюбившейся всем легендарной серии. Переплетения с другими частями, пасхалки и традиционные игровые элементы надолго затянут вас в волшебные земли Гримуара, от которого ниточками в другие миры просачиваются отголоски прошлого.Рейнн и Ланн — близнецы. Самые маленькие герои королевства, получившие способность ловить и приручать множество существ и божественных созданий со всех концов вселенной. Кроссоверное приключение проведёт вас по наследию Final Fantasy, познакомит с теми, кто спрятался в тени номерных проектов, и позволит встретить старых знакомых — друзей из предыдущих частей. Обнаружив, что родной городок опустел, Рейнн и Ланн решают узнать, что произошло с их близкими, и вместе с фамильяром Энной Кро собрать армию, которая полагается им по праву рождения. Смело прыгайте в портал и отправляйтесь на поиски! Без вас им не справиться! Ключевые особенности игры World of Final Fantasy: Эпическое приключение. Исследуйте миры знаменитой серии, прыгая в порталы и собирая Миражей для сражения с монстрами. Пошаговые бои сопровождаются остроумными диалогами, бонусами и яркой анимацией, раскрывающей ваших подопечных и боссов с различных сторон. Играйте, импровизируйте, изучайте и веселитесь от души. Близнецы не дадут заскучать. Вместе сильнее. Выстраивайте многоуровневые стратегии, используя способность Миражей увеличивать ваши показатели. Собирайте лучших существ и даже божественных сущностей. Вы встретите и Чокобо, и Тонберри и даже великую Шиву! Классика японской анимации. Очаровательные чибики, грандиозные саундтреки и великолепные эффекты, создающие особую атмосферу шедевра Тэцуи Номуры. Станьте частью комьюнити и подарите себе яркие эмоции, которые может вызвать только Последняя Фантазия. Также включены следующие бонусные легендарные существа: Sephiroth summon; White Chocobo; Glow Moogle; Red Bonnetberry; Sky Dragon; Kaguya Flan; Nidhogg; 2P Serafie; Iris; Dark Behemoth; Astraea; Kobold Mimic; Topaz Carbuncle; 2P Tama; Balthier; Boko. © 2016, 2017 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA NOMURA/YASUHISA IZUMISAWA WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY, SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. ©2017 Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Sontag Susan The Volcano Lover
Sontag Susan The Volcano Lover


RUR 2864

A historical romance, Sontag's book is based on the lives of Sir William Hamilton, his wife, Emma, and Lord Nelson in the final decades of the eighteenth century. Passionately examining the shape of Western civilization since the Age of Enlightenment, Sontag's novel is an exquisitely detailed picture of revolution, the fate of nature, art and love.

Gorges F. Yoshitaka Amano. The Illustrated Biography. Beyond The Fantasy
Gorges F. Yoshitaka Amano. The Illustrated Biography. Beyond The Fantasy


RUR 3499

A beautiful celebration of the life and imagery of Japans master of fantasy and science fiction art! This handsome, landscape-style hardback contains nearly 400 illustrations and photos from the incredible career of Final Fantasy designer Yoshitaka Amano. But Beyond the Fantasy covers far more than just the famous game series. Amanos artistic journey goes back to his first job in 1967--age 15, working on Speed Racer! From animator, to illustrator, to internationally exhibited painter, this biography is a look not only into the work of Amanos life, but the influences, techniques, philosophy, and family that have nurtured it.

Gorges F. Yoshitaka Amano. The Illustrated Biography. Beyond The Fantasy
Gorges F. Yoshitaka Amano. The Illustrated Biography. Beyond The Fantasy


RUR 3499

A beautiful celebration of the life and imagery of Japans master of fantasy and science fiction art! This handsome, landscape-style hardback contains nearly 400 illustrations and photos from the incredible career of Final Fantasy designer Yoshitaka Amano. But Beyond the Fantasy covers far more than just the famous game series. Amanos artistic journey goes back to his first job in 1967--age 15, working on Speed Racer! From animator, to illustrator, to internationally exhibited painter, this biography is a look not only into the work of Amanos life, but the influences, techniques, philosophy, and family that have nurtured it.

Eishima J. Final Fantasy XV. The Dawn Of The Future
Eishima J. Final Fantasy XV. The Dawn Of The Future


RUR 2243

A volume of all-new, character-driven stories expanding on the world of the hit video game Final Fantasy XV. This deluxe, hardcover edition includes full-color inserts featuring concept art and exclusive content. To oppose the gods or yield to fate? That is the question confronting each of the characters in The Dawn of the Future. Ardyn, having saved countless lives from the Starscourge, means to become the Founder King of Lucis and instead is cast into tragic exile. On the day the Empire falls, as the imperial capital collapses around them, Commodore Aranea is entrusted with the life of a singular young girl. The Oracle Lunafreya, upon awakening from the slumber of death, discovers that her body has undergone an extraordinary transformation. And after gazing upon the eternal, Noctis, the True King, finally comes to terms with his destiny. Herein lie the stories of the dawning of a new world in Final Fantasy XV.

Eishima J. Final Fantasy XV. The Dawn Of The Future
Eishima J. Final Fantasy XV. The Dawn Of The Future


RUR 2243

A volume of all-new, character-driven stories expanding on the world of the hit video game Final Fantasy XV. This deluxe, hardcover edition includes full-color inserts featuring concept art and exclusive content. To oppose the gods or yield to fate? That is the question confronting each of the characters in The Dawn of the Future. Ardyn, having saved countless lives from the Starscourge, means to become the Founder King of Lucis and instead is cast into tragic exile. On the day the Empire falls, as the imperial capital collapses around them, Commodore Aranea is entrusted with the life of a singular young girl. The Oracle Lunafreya, upon awakening from the slumber of death, discovers that her body has undergone an extraordinary transformation. And after gazing upon the eternal, Noctis, the True King, finally comes to terms with his destiny. Herein lie the stories of the dawning of a new world in Final Fantasy XV.

Книга Final Fantasy Xiv: Heavensward — The Art Of Ishgard -The Scars Of War-
Книга Final Fantasy Xiv: Heavensward — The Art Of Ishgard -The Scars Of War-


RUR 6571

Товары хобби и творчества. Закажите из-за рубежа по низким ценам через CDEK.Shopping.

Tucker I. (ред.) Nier: Automata. World Guide. Volume 1
Tucker I. (ред.) Nier: Automata. World Guide. Volume 1


RUR 2588

Step into the boots of a YoRHa combat android and discover the world of NieR: Automata from a firsthand perspective! 192 pages of art, lore, and exploration collected into a fantastic full-color hardcover volume in English for the very first time! Whether locked in open combat, zipping through the air on a flying mech, or bonding with nature through the indigenous fauna, NeiR: Automata captivated players through a genre-bending blend of action and adventure. Now, journey through this unique and ruined world, discovering its each and every intricacy with the NieR: Automata World Guide! Dark Horse Books and Square Enix present a faithful localization of the original Japanese volume of the same name, offered in English for the first time! Explore the world of NieR: Automata through maps, character biographies, short stories, concept art, commentary, and more!

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